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Kaaval Movie Review Malayalam

Kaaval Movie Review

Kaaval Movie Review

Suresh gopi's new movie 'kaaval' is directed by Ranji Panikar and produced by Joby George. Kaaval is released today in theaters. One of the specialities of this movie is that after 'Varane Avashyamundu' movie Suresh Gopi acted the main role in this film. This is a family drama movie with mass action sequences.
Kaaval Movie Review
The movie tells about the life of Thamban and Antony. Kaaval discusses two time periods of their life.  Suresh Gopi played the role of Thamban and Ranji Panikar's character name is Antony. After the Kasaba movie, Kaval is also directed by Ranji Panikar. Kaval is a family entertainer, which gives more importance to family emotions. This movie contains mass action sequences of Suresh Gopi.
 Second half of this movie is better than the first half.  Because it is filled with many action sequences. As an actor Suresh Gopi acted so well. He shows his skill by playing the character Thamban, his expressions and acting is very appreciative. In this film his expression of emotions and action or fighting scenes are perfect. 

Kaaval proves once again that Suresh Gopi is an excellent actor. All other actors in this film including Ranji Panikar performed well. It is a good action, drama, and mass entertaining movie. Without any doubt we can say that kaaval is a good movie to watch and a good family entertainer.

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